Expres2ion Biotechnologies exercise warrants

Posted on 23. September 2021

Translution Capital advises ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies (publ.) in a SEK 44m new issue based on the T05 warrant programme. We are pleased to congratulate the ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies team with the successful subscription level outcome of 97.4%. Proceeds will support the company to finance its vaccine and immunotherapy pipeline – a journey we are excited to follow.

Translution Capital advises CRisk Software ApS

Posted on 15. September 2021

Translution Capital advises the selling shareholders of CRISK Software ApS securing the full Trade Sale to Brady, backed by private equity firm, Hanover Investors Management. The transaction will further strengthen the Brady Technologies offering within enterprise risk management for the energy and commodities markets. Kindly join us congratulating Ali Celik and Lars Ribjerg, the founders of Crisk Software, on this successful transaction. It was a pleasure working with you.


Posted on 1. July 2021

CEO Martin Stenfeldt var med til at stifte MedTrace Pharma A/S i 2015. I 2021 har de rejst 180 millioner kroner, da de har taget tre nye nøgle investorer med om bord. I dette program kan du høre Martin fortælle om den nye vækstrejse, og hvad der skal til for at rejse så stor en kapital. Med i studiet har Martin også Jakob Schmidt fra Translution Capital, som har hjulpet MedTrace med at blive klar til så store investorer som pensionskassen ATP, og kapitalforvalterne Swisscanto Invest og BankInvest.

Biosergen’s offering is fully subscribed

Posted on 8. June 2021

The IPO will be carried out as a new issue of Units securing Biosergen AB a transaction proceed of up to SEK 150 million. Translution Capital acted as exclusive financial advisor to Biosergen AB and is pleased to congratulate CEO Dr. Peder M. Andersen and the full Biosergen AB team with this successful transaction. The IPO proceeds will allow Biosergen AB to initiate clinical trials of its antifungal drug BSG005 with an ambition to file for marketing approval in US and Europe – a journey we are excited to follow.

Translution Capital advices Medtrace Pharma A/S

Posted on 12. May 2021

The DKK180m capital increase was led by ATP, BankInvest, and Swisscanto. We are pleased to congratulate CEO Martin Stenfeldt, COO Rune Wiik Kristensen, and the full Medtrace Pharma A/S team on this successful transaction. The proceeds allow the Company to finance clinical studies in the US while at the same time scaling their European business.